Presence of anisakid larvae in commercial fishes landed in the Pacific coast of Ecuador and Colombia
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Introduction: Anisakidosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked fish or crustaceans parasitized by nematode larvae of the Anisakidae family. In this study, the presence of anisakid larvae was identified in fish species of consumer of the Pacific coast in Ecuador and Colombia.
Methods: We obtained 438 samples grouped into twenty species of fish caught in the fishing ports of Manta, Santa Rosa, Buenaventura and Tumaco. The morphological identification of the larvae was made by taxonomy and the percentage of infection, were calculated. For the identification of species, a multiplex PCR was carried.
Results: The taxonomic review identified eight species of fish as hosts of the genders Anisakis and
Pseudoterranova. The larvae were isolated mainly from the intestine with a percentage of infection between 18 and 100%. The percentage of infection and identification of anisakids in these fish will aid in the prevention and control of anisakiasis as a possible emerging disease for this area of the Pacific. With the multiplex PCR, A. pegreffii, A. physeteris, and P. decipiens were identified.
Conclusion: The identification of these species is reported for the first time in this geographical area, providing the basis for future research into the Anisakidae family.